There are a multitude of ways for you to support Wigs & Wishes in your everyday life! Here are some great ways for you, your friends and family to contribute to our cause:



Do you shop on Amazon Prime? Great! Did you know that if you shop on AmazonSmile Prime that a percentage of your qualifying purchases gets donated to Wigs & Wishes? Use this link to begin shopping and supporting today:


The United Way

Did you know that you can elect for your United Way contributions to be donated to our organization? Visit for more information.


Facebook Fundraisers

Is it your birthday soon? Set up a Facebook Fundraiser and encourage your friends to make donations to Wigs & Wishes on your behalf! Simply search for “Fundraisers” within your Facebook profile. Be sure to select Wigs and Wishes as your nonprofit of choice.



Have you tried donating via our text? When you text DONATE to (856)582-6600 your donations come directly to us via our PayPal Giving Fund. This text service is powered by We highly recommend them to business owners wanting to engage with their customers via text. Even better yet, if you visit this site and sign up for their service, Wigs & Wishes gets a referral fee donated to our organization!


eBay For Charity

Are you a seller on eBay? You can donate a percentage of your sales to our organization via the eBay for Charity program. Visit our page here to learn more: and to see how other sellers are contributing to our cause.